Special conditions on life assurance-does this affect house insurance


Registered User
I am looking for house insurance on-line. One question asks if I have any special conditions attached to other insurance. The answer is yes due to a medical problem and I am paying an extra premium on my mortgage protection insurance because of the medical problem. I dont believe it is relevent when insuring the house against theft or fire or flood or whatever. Do I have to disclose this for the purposes of house insurance? If yes why?
Be up front and tell them, reason is utmost good faith a main principle of insurance. They asked a question, answer it honestly. It wont affect the house insurance.
Thanks for your replies. Looks like ther are different opinions on the matter. Im personally not inclined to disclose information that is not relevent to house insurance as I feel it is all stored in the 'big brother' hard drive and is accessible should the insurance company wish dispute a claim. Maybe Im being paranoid but maybe they are out to get me.....:eek:
To be honest, not disclosing something gives them greater opportunity to dispute a claim but its up to you at the end of the day......
I'd agree with StevieC on this one. It's not relevant and will be ignored, but if you're worried about the possibility of the inurance company finding grounds to throw out a claim then don't give them the opportunity - disclose it.