South Dublin keep offering me affordable housing??


Registered User
ANyone else getting offered affordable housing from SDCC despite turning down the 'maximum' of 2 dwellings before you are supposed to be off teh list and 'back to square one'?
My understanding is that they (and other cocos) have bought a large number of these properties pre housing bust, they are costing them a fortune in interest and they are desperate to get rid of them. Only problem it no one is interested.
Yeah I assumed the desperation alright and I saw the Irish Times story on a link from AAB this morning about affordable housing. What confuses me now from that story though is if its the council trying desperately to sell them why is it the developer who keeps contacting me if the council has already paid them for the place??
Sounds a if CoCo have done a deal with the developer, where he only get paid then the house is offloaded.