Sourcing stick on plain opaque plastic for windows


Registered User
We're looking for stick-on plastic for our bathroom windows that is plain opaque (like a sanded glass finish) -- the kind you see on solicitor's windows!

All we can find in Homebase, Woodies etc is Contac paper that is patterned (with eg thumbprints or shells).

Anyone know where we can get a few square metres? Thanks.
I can try B&Q -- all the other shops (incl eg Lenehans) seem to stock only the patterned stuff, and have no idea where I can source the plain. I was wondering if it was only available to the trade? do a lot of different types, reasonably priced too. No connection just used them recently
if your stuck use kitchen contact or in easons get the laminated clear book covers on a roll about 1.50 euro,
Many thanks @Mark1, they look like what I'm looking for, or will likely know. Much obliged.
Thanks @25euronote -- it's the opaque (ie not see through) film I was looking for.
B&Q sell this in rolls, options of plain or patterned film. Another option is mail order from Brume.
Thanks @Leo! The Brume films look lovely! Sadly a tad on the dear side for us, but good to know.