So the Publicans and Night Club Owners are Confused!


Registered User
I've listened to various radio and television news reports about Covid restrictions being lifted and I hear Publicans and Night Club Owners claiming that "confusion reigns."

What part of the following (taken from an Irish newspaper) do they have problems with?

"People will have to continue to provide their Covid Certificate for indoor hospitality and indoor events.

A maximum of 10 adults can sit at a table indoors or 15 including children and multiple bookings will be allowed."

. . . and for Night Clubs:-

Full Seating Capacity restarts tonight and up to 1500 "patrons" may be "standing" provide they observe social distancing regulations.

Do our publicans and night club owners now need lessons in English and Arithmetic? Or is there something more sinister hovering?
My guess is that our publicans and night club owners are getting more than they can manage with these changes. I for one cannot see how 1500 people in a nightclub can maintain social distance, nor how this can be anything other than a petri dish for covid. It seems to me that lobbying won over health concerns. Publicans and night club owners simply want what they see their counterparts in the UK have. However we can see the numbers in the UK and with this change it's only a matter of time before they start escalating similarly here. Hopefully the additional restrictions here will dampen it a bit although I really don't have faith in that industry in maintaining those restrictions.
The saving grace in this that I can see is that many of those who for whatever reason didn't go about getting their vaccine to-date are now queueing for the vaccine. Failure to get a vaccine = non admittance to a pub or nightclub (one hopes!) and I can't complain about them receiving the vaccine.
The saving grace in this that I can see is that many of those who for whatever reason didn't go about getting their vaccine to-date are now queueing for the vaccine. Failure to get a vaccine = non admittance to a pub or nightclub (one hopes!) and I can't complain about them receiving the vaccine.
I have no sympathy for those who are not vaccinated by choice, get Covid and get very sick or die. There should be a collective Darwin Award for the lot of them.
We've had the worst infection day since January and at least one night club owner says it's a "bombshell" inflicted on them that from next week people will have to buy tickets in advance for nightclubs. Is this guy for real? I reckon it is only a matter of a short time before nightclubs will be forced to close again and they only have themselves to blame.
At least that awful fella from the Restaurants Association isn't inflicting himself on the proceedings. He looks like he would make a good bouncer at a nightclub mind you.
I watched the 6.00pm news on RTE1 earlier to hear a representative of the publicans whinging that there should be some kind of honeymoon period before the new regulations would come into force. Seconds later a night club owner was whinging about the swiftness of the new regulations being anti social. I don't think the Covid virus is making allowances for stupidity and will continue to infect and kill. Somebody should tell the publicans and night club owners.

I did over the weekend where the Jazz Festival in Cork was in full swing and social distancing amounted to about 2 cms in most pubs. I fear what the infection rate will be in the next two weeks. Pubs in Cork this weekend were like pubs on St-Stephen's Day pre Covid - packed.
I think where the Govt erred was in not re-running the pre-dismalisation ads from the early days of colour telly. "Can ya show me a metre / litre / kilo man? I'm as confused as heck."