Sky news and sexism

Of course he is, he's taking a stance that the views of Gray and Keys was prehistoric and the implication being that his views are more open and progressive.

Music can be interpreted in many ways if it is indeed deliberately vague or allegorical. However, aspects of modern R&B and rap are neither vague or allegorical and are overtly sexist and homophobic. Even at a minimum the endemic culture of treating women as sexual objects in that genre is in my opinion far more odious than questioning a woman's ability to run the line effectively.

In addition, there are at least three incidents where Rio has engaged in "roasting" and you can hardly suggest that this is a positive attitude to women as equals.

It's all well and good stating sexism has no place in sport when it would appear that you are part of the culture promulgating and continuing the sexist culture.

Your talking about aspects of an entire genre of music, but you're not being specific. Seeing women as objects of sexual desire and stating such is hardly a crime, if anything it is just honesty, it doesn't actually mean that women are viewed as nothing more than sexual objects of desire.
As for Rios alleged penchant for roasting, it is a sexual act between consenting adults, so what?
Your talking about aspects of an entire genre of music, but you're not being specific. Seeing women as objects of sexual desire and stating such is hardly a crime, if anything it is just honesty, it doesn't actually mean that women are viewed as nothing more than sexual objects of desire.
As for Rios alleged penchant for roasting, it is a sexual act between consenting adults, so what?

Alleged, but caught on camera...several times.

And I now give up and bow out. If I am the only person who is of the opinion that the endemic culture in football of girls on tap, group sessions with "de lads", videoing and sending on such videos to mates, rampant use of prostitutes, as not indicative of viewing women in a less than equal way, then I shall remain alone in thinking Ferdinand as part of the cultural problem in football and not one to comment.
Alleged, but caught on camera...several times.

And I now give up and bow out. If I am the only person who is of the opinion that the endemic culture in football of girls on tap, group sessions with "de lads", videoing and sending on such videos to mates, rampant use of prostitutes, as not indicative of viewing women in a less than equal way, then I shall remain alone in thinking Ferdinand as part of the cultural problem in football and not one to comment.

You're not alone in thinking that. What bothers me most is that society are still rearing female children to think that sleeping with a footballer is a career move. More prevalent across the water granted.

Alleged, but caught on camera...several times.

And I now give up and bow out. If I am the only person who is of the opinion that the endemic culture in football of girls on tap, group sessions with "de lads", videoing and sending on such videos to mates, rampant use of prostitutes, as not indicative of viewing women in a less than equal way, then I shall remain alone in thinking Ferdinand as part of the cultural problem in football and not one to comment.

I didn't watch the tapes so can't comment, but either way it doesn't change what it is; consensual sex.
To describe Ferdinand as part of a cultural problem for what he got up to as a young man is hardly fair, but people are very quick to pass judgement on what is perceived as a sport full of dumb, crass, deviants.
I don't like Andy Grey or Sky Sports commentators in general. I don't know enough about soccer-ball to comment (though I do understand the off-side rule as it’s really simple) but if they are bad and as biased as their colleagues commentating on rugby then they are dire.
That said I agree with The Banker; it was a stitch-up.