Laya Simply Connect renewal for 1 adult &1 toddler


Registered User
Hi there,
I've only recently came across this website and have found it very informative so hope it's OK that I ask opinion on my health insurance.
Myself and my 2 year old child are currently on Simply Connect. I am due my second baby mid February. My renewal in February 1st (hopefully baby is born after that and will be covered for free for the whole year!) I am also using my health insurance to go private in this pregnancy and may want to again in the future for another baby.
I use day to day expenses like optical so I love the low excess on the policy. I live in Dublin and if I ever got sick I would want cover in the Mater Private.
My child has been on my policy since birth and I have never used his cover bar buying vaccinations for Men B.
Is there any better policy out there? I think mine is pretty good for me but should I get a lesser one for my 2 year old. I'm conscious of cost as there will be two children soon.
Thank you in advance
Hi Jebus111,

Welcome to AAM. As your toddler is under 6 years, with free gp visits, there is no need to have day to day cover as such.
With that in mind, an alternative plan worth considering is VHI One + Plan @ price 209pa. If you think its worth switching for 65 euro.

Details as follows;
1. VHI One + Plan; price 209pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech hospital excess 125 for each admission
or day case procedure. Note; all children's hospitals are public in Ireland but the 3 hi-tech Dublin hospitals fully cover a range of childrens
surgery for kids over 3 years. This is included on this plan. Very limited day to day cover on this plan.
Also, VHI are the only provider to allow children to be insured on their own, an adult is just named on the policy but just the child is insured.

One disadvantage with VHI is they don't allow switching to another VHI plan during the year, Laya healthcare do allow switching to another
Laya plan mid-year if you want - for example if you wanted to increase day to day cover knowing they will occur. There would be no
waiting time applied in that situation for extra day to day cover.

2. Laya Control 300 Create; price 257pa; all public, private(including private room fully covered) and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered;
private/hi-tech excess 300 per admission and 125 per day case procedure. There is no excess to pay in any public hospital.
Good day to day cover on this plan, refund of 80 per consultant visit, 30 per gp visit, etc.

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Best of luck with everthing in 2019,

Thank you so much Snowyb.
Its great to get someone else's opinion.
Thanks very much again.