Sick Leave



Any advice on how to approach this situation:

My sister took up a managerial level position with a multi-national company about a year ago. The job she was "sold" in the interview has turned into a nightmare, the support and resources she was promised to do her job just haven't been put in place.

12 months later and she is on genuine sick leave (for 2 weeks now) and she plans to resign next week.

She wants to resign because she doesn't want to drag the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language of out of being ill, but she doesn't know if it will affect her getting unemployment benefit.

What options are open to her, should she try and negotiate a termination with her employer?

IMHO she definitely will lose out by resigning - think she could be up to 9 weeks without SW because she gave up her job... so she needs to thread carefully.

A big multinational - after 1 years service... my gut would be she won't be able to negotiate a package. If she's genuinely ill then she should stay out sick (presumably on full pay) and when she's recovering start to look around for a new job.

onekeano said:
think she could be up to 9 weeks without SW because she gave up her job...
Wasn't that 6 weeks at one stage? Was it increased in recent years? confirms that it's up to 9 weeks these days alright...
Once she's made the decision to move on, could she just ignore the stress of the job, but stay in place while she's searching for another job?
Yeah, i agree there with Rainy day also. My thinking would be once she has made the decision to leave and find herself a new job, her current job might just become bearable for those few weeks.

If she resigns she will defintley lose out regarding social welfare payments. She would have to be let go/fired or made redundant to receieve automatic payment.

I would suggest when shes feeling better to go back to work and begin looking for a new job, maybe goal it for herself that she'll be out of there just after christmas hopefully.

Best of luck with it.
"Once she's made the decision to move on, could she just ignore the stress of the job, but stay in place while she's searching for another job?"

I regularly hear people mention also that its much easier to get a job if you are presently working. Can't vouch for this myself but it might be something to bear in mind.