Should I shop around


Registered User
Hi. I wonder if someone can offer advice. I own a small company. It pays a small amount of money into a pension scheme on a monthly basis, and I pay some too. I am PAYE. At year end the company can sometimes afford to pay a lump sum for me. We have always used the same Pensions company to organise all this. I have asked them to come out to me and to go through my current situation, give me an update of where I am and what my money is in. To date I have always gone for equity. I have filled out their questionnaire that allows them understand my tolerance of risk, and this is what they are going to use to advise me re how to maybe diversify some towards less risky funds.

My question is this. The company only ever seem to deal with Hibernian Aviva (HA). I'm a little uneasy with this. I'm sure HA are great and everything, but there is a big market out there, and I'd prefer that the person advising me is thinking of options available from more than one company. What other pension companies or options should I be looking at? My Dad just retired and he was singing the praises of an annuity that he has. Are there other types of things that you can buy into other than pensions, that might be worth considering?

I hope the above makes sense. Maybe someone can advise if this is normal vis a vis a pensions advisor. I'm sure there are lots of instances of companies being tied agents, but I want to be sure there are not also things that are worth considering.