Settling cracks, does builder have to fix


Registered User
I moved into a new house just over 2 years ago and have what seem to be settling cracks. First off I'm wondering if the builder, who is still on site, obliged to fill them in and if so does he have to paint/plaster the wall. But some of the cracks which have appeared in the last couple of months seems to be more than settling cracks. How do you tell the difference? These other ones are bigger/wider and don't run straigt but are crooked/zig zagged. Can settling cracks run this way or are they something else. Just want to know what I'm talking about when I get builder around to look at them.
My house is also 2 years old and has some step cracks in the plaster work or "crooked/zig zagged" cracks as you describe them. They're most likely due to settlement where the mortar between the blocks has seperated. The timber frame supports the house so the wall cracks aren't serious, although they are annoying. Vertical or horizontal cracks are serious however and need to be repaired.