Selling AIB shares to offset capital gains


Registered User

My wife has AIB shares since the early 90's (approx 2000 shares before the crash, now a pathetic 12!). Looking to sell what's left of them in order to offset capital gains on the sale of some land she shares (tax due approx 7k). Just wondering if it's worth it. Computershare said they charge €35 per transaction (she has two different accounts). Searching through her documents, she bought 1100 shares in 1993, and the remainder a few years later in her married name, unable to find the price of the shares at that time. Any suggestions? Thanks.
If she has 12 shares now then she must have had >2,750 shares before the restructure (there was a 1:250 consolidation back in 2016). So the capital lost would be even greater than with 2,000 shares.
If tax due is c. €7k then the capital gain she has was €21,000. If she doesn´t use her capital loss on the AIB shares now, when would she use them? OK it might cost €70 (less the value of these shares, which would cover most of the fee) but it could save a €7k liability... I don´t think anyone is holding out to get their money back on Irish Bank investments in the 90s and 00s!

If you know the date she purchased just look up the Irish stock exchange. It will give you the list price that day.. I’ve just plugged in a date of 23/10/00 for illustration purposes on the below link.

If that doesn’t work ring the share register ( your wife should ring)and they will be able to give you the details of when shares were acquired, possibly price and how the shares reduced from 2000 to 12.
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