Secondary school teaching


Registered User
I am considering going back to college next year to do the HDip.
I am a degree in chemisty and postgrad qualifications.

I was speaking to some people recently who said that there are so many people available for subbing and teaching and that there are very fewjobs available.

I would hope to teach in the galway/Connaught area but I am from ulster.
Do you think that this will be another factor against me getting a teaching job in the area?
I went to college in Galway and there is a very large student population that would like to live there forever (not me:)), so would imagine that teaching jobs are hard enough to come by (I know of one person who lives in Galway and has to travel to Tuam in order to get a teaching job in a secondary school, not a huge commute I know.......).

I'm not aware that local candidates would get preference over yourself unless it's provided for in legislation, and if you felt hard done by when applying for a job because you're from Ulster (like myself-I originally hail from Donegal), you may be entitled to take a case under equality legislation (but [broken link removed] suggests that you might not).

P.S. Mods/admins will not appreciate bumps, as they are in breach of the posting guidelines :)

Best of luck!