Safety Statement

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Hmmm, OP should note that this site is quite a bit out of date, legislation has changed since then.

Strictly speaking, you won't find (or shouldn't) any template safety statements and it's generally a bad idea to use one. However, depending on the business some aspects would be pretty generic and so you would be able to use certain parts.

The main issue is that it is expected that large parts of the statement will be site specific and based upon risk assessments of your operations. By going the generic/template route, you could be in danger of missing certain obvious things or of even covering far more than you need to.

Note also though if you're a micro enterprise with 3 or less employees and you're involved in the allied trades and construction, there's a Code of Practice you can use instead of a safety statement. It's from the Health and Safety Authority and can be bought from them. There's no free version, but you effectively get "everything" you'd need for about €50.

Lastly, if you need the SS for a tender, then I'll be honest and say you'll most likely be ok with a template, but that's not guaranteed. Depending on the client, some are scrutinise documentation, others don't. However, if you need one as a result of an inspector's visit, I honestly would not go down the route of a template.

There's a decent enough guidance on the HSA's website, which is free to download. Depending on your operations and risks, safety statements don't have to be complex documents and can be put together yourself.