ROS Self Assessment - View PAYE income


Registered User
Hi All,

How do I view my PAYE tax paid for 2022 in ROS? I am a self assessed tax payer but have a large tax bill due for 2022 and I am unsure what information is feeding this liability. I am mainly a paye tax payer but have rental income thus i am registered for self assessment.

I cant access any PAYE information as it tells me I am self assessed so how do i find out what tax the revenue have on file for me? Is a payslip the only way or am i missing an area on ROS?

Do you have Revenue "MyAccount" set up?
If not register for it here and you can see your PAYE income, this usually feeds directly into the tax return in ROS in my experience.
Remember that rental income will be charged at your marginal rate - so about 50% once Tax / USC / PRSI is taken into account assuming you are already in the higher rate tax bracket.
You will need to add all rental expenses to get your true tax calcuation.
There is a note in the Review your tax 2019-2022 area in ROS with a link to the Employment details summary.
When you go to fill in your Form11 your PAYE should be prepopulated. Select Income Tax - Form 11 I believe from memory.
Are you sure that you're not referring to the (PAYE) myAccount system there as opposed to (self-assessed) ROS? It doesn't really help that myAccount uses a URL.

This note is in ROS.
I download the employment details summary every year.
After the download is requested the facility to download disappears from ROS.
The employment details summary is then held in the Documents area.
If a person has not previously requested the download, the facility to download should remain in their ROS.
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