Ringing trunk of a tree


Registered User
Neighbour has cut into the trunk of a tree (approx 15 yrs old) about 12" from the base with a chainsaw, in a full circle around the trunk. The trees are on a common green play area and when questioned about why it was done, all knowledge was denied. 12 months later there is a distinct ring around the base of the trunk. Why would you do this to a tree?
there was no discussion at all about it. I didn't see it happen myself but had wondered why there was a ring marking around some of the trees on the green. Found out other day another neighbour saw it happen but didn't realise what was happening. Blasted neighbour - probably didn't appreciate having to clean up leaves or something equally stupid. The trees are there lot longer than the neighbours.
You could report it to the LA, depending on how recently this was done, they may be able to rescue them.
It happened 12 months ago. The trees are doomed. Ringing a tree is a sure-fire way of killing it.
Some trees might be able to regenerate the vascular system but its a probable they will die.
The trees are going to die. You should report your neighbour to the gardai for what he has done.