Restructure Company Structure for best tax treatment


Registered User
I have a limited company which is finally starting to generate some retained earnings and I would like some Tax advice on potentially changing the company structure into a group structure.

I would like to determine
1. If it is the correct thing to do given our circumstances
2. Where the holding company should be based and if relevant.
3. How to execute the restructuring to avail of the correct and maximum reliefs.

Can anyone recommend a tax advisor for this and give me an estimated cost?

You should probably discuss this in the first instance with your accountant.

Is there a particular reason why you wish to do this?

What reliefs are you hoping to avail of?
I discussed this briefly with the accountant but to be honest they are not a tax expert.
They mentioned something about allowances, retirement and a couple of other things to be careful for when doing the restructuring but gave the impression they did not seem to know the execution very well.

If our current company which would become the operating company and for arguments sake it has a value of say 40K
If we transfer the ownership from say 100% me to the holding company then I may have to pay CGT on the disposal of shares in the operating company and I understand there is some allowance for me to avail of to neutralise this.

This is what I was hoping to speak to the tax advisor about and the other possible implications on retirement, entrepreneurs relief in the event of a sale of the operating company - then the steps required to execute this to avoid any mistaken future tax liability
