Rent calculation in an RPZ


Registered User
Looking for some insight on how to do a retrospective RPZ review for a relative who has a 2 bed apt in west Dublin. Long term tenants have just vacated as they wished to relocate to their home country. Their first rent was set at 800 pcm in August 2011. It only rose to 825 in August 2014. They were good tenants and he was an obliging landlord. He has spoken to the PRTB and they advise that there can be rent increases beyond the subsequent ones that he started to do annually from August 2018 when rent was increased to 1100. Any thoughts ?
If he did annual increase since 2018, Rpz being introduced only end of 2016, I don't see how he can go beyond that. Is 1100 the current rent or the 2018 rent? Unfortunately Rpz landlords are stuck in this kind of situation.
1100 was the rent beginning August 2018. Could he not increase the base rent prior to 2016 and base the calculations from there ?
He wasn't actually even authorised to increase to 1100 in 2018 as he was normally to 4 per cent per year. In 2015 you also had a rent freeze where you could not review rent for 2 years.
So no I don't believe so.
Does anyone know what was allowed in % terms since 2018. I will have to ask him what exactly happened between 2014 and 2017.
The management fees are well over 2k. Can you charge a tenant a % of management fees.
Max 4 per cent from end of 2016 to December 2021. Then inflation rate or maximum 2 per cent. There is a calculator on the rtb website.
What about letting out individual rooms on a short term basis only ? Even keep one room for himself ? Therefore no tenancy agreement.
Anyone know the phone no for the RTB. Their website is very glitchy and I cannot make a payment for a relative. No web chat and can’t access login from my phone. Bad gateway is coming up.
You may get lucky and speak to someone knowledgeable. . I never have though, certainly spoke to a few that sounded extremely confident but they were utterly incorrect.

(0818) 303 037
You may get lucky and speak to someone knowledgeable. . I never have though, certainly spoke to a few that sounded extremely confident but they were utterly incorrect.

(0818) 303 037
I've spoken to many of them. Their latest new system was horrific to deal with. And the minions have no clue and only parrot speak from the script. Email is the only way and even that is bad.

OP here is the rent calculator
