reduced to sell auctioneer sign, Sandyford road


Registered User
yellow 'reduced to sell' auctioneer sign, Sandyford road, before left turn for sandyford industrial estate heading up hill, a 'sign' of the times maybe?
I saw one in Crumlin last week too. First time I ever saw a sign like that!!
How long until this thread gets locked!
yeah, there's a few similar signs going up round my way too - "new price" sticker being stuck on for sale sign.
Still no shifting one of the houses in question though, it has been on for almost a year...
The house across the street is now 7 month "for sale" and the house up the road went from "for sales" to "agreed" to "sold" to "for sale" about 5 times in the past 10 month.

And I know 1 estate near swords where the majority of houses/apartments are empty and can't be sold or even let.
It doesn't matter what the sign says, it's the price that counts. It could be a marketing ploy just like the xmas sales in electrical shops where verything goes up in price.
That particular house on Sandyford road is 1.2 million which is madness! Yes it's been "done up" but seriously you are right on the road and have a block of apt going up beside you. I'm not surprised it's reduced to sell, don't know if it's marketing related though, it took me an age to find it on 'myhome' if it is they ain't doing a great job!