Red line luas question.


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I have to take the red line luas on a sat morning, I arrive at heuston at 8.40- is it too late to get to connolly for 9am? I've never taken the luas before and I think it might be too tight? Just wondering if I have to take an earlier train.
It is too tight. The journey is under 15 minutes from stop to stop but that isn't accounting for getting off one train (which on the plus side may be up to 5 minutes early getting into Heuston); time from the train to the Luas platform (1 minute minimum for platforms 2-5, 2-3 minutes minimum for platforms 1, 6, 7 & 8); time for the next Luas (up to about 7 minutes wait on a Saturday); the Luas going to The Point instead of Connolly (get off at Bus Aras and walk across instead of waiting) and the time to get to your next train. Irish Rail seem to recommend a minimum of an hour, truthfully 30 minutes is doable.