Recommend economical car - medium size

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Hello there.

We have a 1998 Mazda 626 2.0l. Based on mileage and a full tank of petrol we have noticed the car is not very economical, it is about 10k per litre (10l per 100k). We seem to be at the petrol pump quite a lot and it is costing us 95e a full tank. We'd also like a smaller engine to reduce our tax. Based on the year of the car, the services are now more costly as things are beginning to break/deteriorate. So we have decided it might be best to get rid of it and get a newer car, say about 3 years old.

What are the pros and cons of TDI versus Hybrid or indeed a TDI Hybrid? Ideally we'd like a hatchback as we have a dog and two kids under ten. We don't need a big roomy car so were thinking medium size Toyota Avensis (I think it is) or similar...any suggestions?
What mileage do you do a year and what type of driving(eg short city commutes,school run etc or motorway).What budget?
What mileage do you do a year and what type of driving(eg short city commutes,school run etc or motorway).What budget?

Yes good point - Mileage would not be exceptionally high - around 10k-12k miles per year, primarily short city commutes with approx 10 motorway trips (150k) per year.
Yes good point - Mileage would not be exceptionally high - around 10k-12k miles per year, primarily short city commutes with approx 10 motorway trips (150k) per year.

Based on your usage a small engined petrol car may suit your needs better.

You mention TDI's in your OP. There are some great small to medium diesel cars available but in order to get the most out of them you need to be doing high mileage with little stops/starts. TDI's that are used for short city trips tend to have problems with DPF's clogging up and they struggle to achieve high mpg as a result.
Lovely thanks, I didn't find that original post - thanks for all assistance everyone.
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