Recommend an Accountant


Registered User
I am living in the Beaumount area. Can some recommend a good accoutant.
i have a very nice and very reasonable accountant, (did a lot of research when setting up originally) shes based in Killiney though...let me know if you want her details
Unless perhaps your business and/or tax situation is extremely complex, there should not really be any need for your accountant to be based geographically close to you. Emails, phones and postal communication mean that meetings and office visits can be kept to an absolute minimum thus saving travel costs and, most importantly, your own time.
A personal recommendation is always best (as long as the person isn't a close member of the accountant’s family). I don't want to sound flippant but ask the local grocer / butcher / newsagent. Usually you get a very frank and useful answer.

In my limited experience your accountant is like your bank. Even if costs go up and service goes down you're more likely to complain to a friend than to move.
