Wrong forum Re :Redundancy -pay off some of mortgage or save

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Just made redundant.Should receive just under 100k ,should I pay off s SOME of our mortgage ,which is on variable rate or bank it....
Job prospects ok but not at the same level of salary

Thank you
That depends on your overall financial situation.

Lets assume that you get a job soon, at a lower salary.

How much is your mortgage and how ling does it have left to run ?
Are you in negative equity ?
Will the house fulfil your needs for may years or will you want/need to move in the next number of years maybe because of an expanding family ?
Do you currently have any savings in case of emergency (car breaks down, unexpected repair job in the house) ?
Do you have any pension provision ?

If you use the entire amount to pay a lump sum off your mortgage, you will save money in the long term, either will a shorter mortage term, or smaller monthly payments, but it might be difficult to get access to these savings, if you ever need the money.
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