Laya Question re our Company plan changing on 1st of Dec


Registered User
Hi all anyone got advise on both these plans or can offer a better plan with laya.

Currently plan: SimplyHealth Choice

New Plan form the 1st of Dec : Simply connect plus

My wife works for Medical Devices company and it's part of their contract of employment that them and their family have to have health insurance. So the company pays health insurance for it's employees and familys. In our case 2 adults aged 37 and 34 and 2 kids aged 4 and 1.

The main differences i can see.

  1. Every day excess is now capped at €500 per member per year.
  2. Cover for Private and Hi-tech subject to €50 excess for day case and €150 excess for in patient care ( payable only once per member per year) .
Day to day looks to have got worst and Hi-Tech has got alot better as used to be €250 excess per claim and €175 per night. Or am I missing

Thanks for your time to read this