Punters bringing alcohol into the pub


Registered User
Hope i'm using the right place for this. We've been taking a few days off in a very popular tourist area in the west over the past few days and noticed an awful lot of people bringing drink (booze) in handbags into the pubs and topping up the one drink they buy. I'm not talking about a one off, it happened in the 4/5 places we frequented and looked to be a well practised ploy by an awful lot of punters. Vodka, Jack Daniels and Jameson were topped out from full bottles among groups of 5/6 mostly women customers. I know some might say how could anyone bring full bottles into pubs, but believe me, these glamour bags can hold a huge amount and most of the group had something in the bag. I couldn't believe it but didn't say anything to the bar people. Felt (punters) they were being too bloody smart. Has anyone seen this going on? Friends of ours have told us it's happening a lot and they're living in Dublin.
I've seen this on quite a number occasions, as you say it is mostly women as the large "hand bags" make it easier. I've also seen the topping up going on in the ladies toilet of a local rural pub! I suppose with the prices pubs are charging some would say who could blame people for going down this route.
Nobody forces people to go to the pub and pay those prices. Either stay at home and drink cheaply, or go to the pub and pay their prices. If you're in there, you're taking up space and availing of their services. I personally would blame people for doing this.
A relative of ours works in a hotel that does a lot of wedding receptions. When the guests arrive the hotel manager goes out to greet the first arrivals. He then comes into the staff area and announces either "long table cloths" or "short table cloths" depending on his impression of the guests.

If he thinks they guests are likely to try to bring in their own drink its, short table cloths so the can't hide it so easily.

Its a standing joke in the family to describe people we don't like as, short table cloths !