Public sector pay freeze for top 40,000 public servants announced

We both answered your post. You may not like our answers, but we answered it.

No, neither of you answered the question I asked with a YES or NO.

You appeared to partially agree and Complainer did his usual.

Are you still not willing or able to answer?
You put two large proposals in the one question and then asked for Yes or No. I agreed with one proposal (overstaffing) and did not agree entirely with the other but thought it was appropriate in some cases and explained this. Why should someone give just a yes or no answer about a matter that is not completely straightforward.
You put two large proposals in the one question and then asked for Yes or No. I agreed with one proposal (overstaffing) and did not agree entirely with the other but thought it was appropriate in some cases and explained this. Why should someone give just a yes or no answer about a matter that is not completely straightforward.

Wow - I thought it was a pretty simple yes or no question myself!

Any chance you'd keep out of it. If Beanpole suggests I should take a 20% pay cut I am PERFECTLY ENTITLED to ask for his rationale. If you don't want to read my posts, feel free not to. But don't tell me when I can and cannot post.
Wowser! Of course you can ask him for his rationale but... you asked and he didn't answer. You asked again and he didn't answer. So, you asked again and he didn't answer. So, what the heck, let's ask again. When will it end? I actually find your posts generally interesting so I start reading them - but then find the same question again.
Who on earth do you think you are?
I am many things - including being someone who knows that if I ask a question 3 times and don't get a reply, asking a fourth time is unlikely to change the outcome.
Hi Truthseeker

He asked Do you agree that there needs to be substantial cuts made within the public sector either in personnel and/or in pay?" Answering simply Yes implied that yes I agree you should just cut one or the other. My view is 'Yes', cut staffing and 'No' substantial cuts in pay are only appropriate at certain levels. That is why a simple yes or no was not appropriate, in my view.
Answering simply Yes implied that yes I agree you should just cut one or the other.

That was exactly my reading of it too. I think the question was not designed to bring out the individual viewpoint - just to ascertain that there was agreement on one of the above?
Perhaps Im wrong, Im late to the thread.....
Wowser! Of course you can ask him for his rationale but... you asked and he didn't answer. You asked again and he didn't answer. So, you asked again and he didn't answer. So, what the heck, let's ask again. When will it end? I actually find your posts generally interesting so I start reading them - but then find the same question again.
I am many things - including being someone who knows that if I ask a question 3 times and don't get a reply, asking a fourth time is unlikely to change the outcome.

Yes, Orka I was trying to make the point that Beanpole is constantly throwing out wild and unfair remarks about the Public Sector and then, when asked to back up or explain these remarks there is usually a silence or another wild post. This is annoying if you are a Public Servant and are constantly reading rubbish about how we all take hundreds of sick days every year, get paid a fortune etc. If he is going to keep making those statements then I am going to keep asking him for back up. A deafening silence implies that he's right and we do skive off, have ridiculously easy jobs etc. because we're not coming back and saying 'that's not true, where did you get that information?'. His refusals to answer and then popping up a couple of days later with another statement pulled out of the air are getting very annoying, so basically I've decided to push him for an answer this time or to admit, by not answering, that he doesn't have one. In other words, ensure that his silence is actually saying something this time.
That was exactly my reading of it too. I think the question was not designed to bring out the individual viewpoint - just to ascertain that there was agreement on one of the above?
Perhaps Im wrong, Im late to the thread.....

Well, the point I was trying to make was that I didn't agree that 'I didn't mind whichever they did, either was acceptable.' which I felt a simple 'yes' would imply.
Well, the point I was trying to make was that I didn't agree that 'I didn't mind whichever they did, either was acceptable.' which I felt a simple 'yes' would imply.

The original question would have been better posed as 2 questions methinks.
My. God.

It was a question that you answer yes or no to. It can be yes to cuts in staff or cuts in pay or both. That's why I said and/or. Saying yes is not a complete acceptance of all cuts. There is no implication/reading into it or anything like that. Truthseeker got it right in post # 147.

I think Liaconn you are more concerned with being seen as 'hanging yourself' than anything else TBH.
No Caveat, I am concerned with not being misunderstood if I answer a simple yes or no. Certainly, if I was doing up a questionnaire in work prior to introducing a new policy, I would not be allowed phrase the question like you did, but would be made to break it down into two questions, as Truthseeker suggested.
This is beyond ridiculous.


"The public sector - cuts are required."

(This is in addition to the pensions levy already in place)

Once again, YES or NO please.

No need for qualification or ifs or buts or ands at this stage.

(By not being permitted to qualify your answer does not imply that you would or wouldn't prefer to give a more detailed answer...etc etc)

How is that?
This is beyond ridiculous.


"The public sector - cuts are required."

(This is in addition to the pensions levy already in place)

Once again, YES or NO please.

No need for qualification or ifs or buts or ands at this stage.

(By not being permitted to qualify your answer does not imply that you would prefer to give a more detailed answer...etc etc)

How is that?


The answer is YES, it's beyond ridiculous.
They shouldn't be frozen, they should be decreased, only the top earners mind. Too much for too little output.
At least Public workers have a voice unlike the private sector, who just take it up the backside.
Oh very clever.

YES it's beyond ridiculous or YES to the statement in my last post?

Caveat youre just messing now - Liaconn has answered Yes.
She has also stated that her answer to the question requires some qualification for clarity - but on a basic yes/no - its a yes!!