This has me flummoxed and I have no knowledge of how the system operates.
A person gets taken to A&E friday/sat night at 12pm, left on trolley in agony and then approached at 5.19am saturday morning told they would get a bed if form was signed, so signed. NB they were not given a copy of form. They were never in hospital in their life and had no sleep since thursday 8am.
At 8am saturday trolley is moved to ward and left outside a 2 bed room, you can see in, and it has 2 patients with screen dividers. Person is then told at 11am there is no bed available.
The trolley is horrendous an unbelievable thin mattress and person has severe stomach pain, that is aggravated by movement. Person 2 intervenes and goes back to A&E asking for sight of form and seeking to address the person who presented form. Told they were off duty. Requested a copy of said form and told it was not available.!! Person 2 says they want to cancel said form and stay public and request a better trolley. Another trolley is provided a bit better but not much. Person 2 then signed an in patient form on behalf of Person 1. Does this rescind the Private in patient form? Laya are not available as its a sunday and bank holiday. A few hours later a bed was provided in a 5 person ward.
There is a sentence in this Private insurance form that I find scary. It reads.
"Please be aware that if you are subject to any waiting periods/pre-existing conditions or if you do not have sufficient insurance cover you will be liable for the full cost of your hospital stay(as per the charges noted above) and treatment by a private consultant.
This seems to mean if your insurer cant bear the full cost then the patient is billed for the lot!! And this is for an A&E admission.
A person gets taken to A&E friday/sat night at 12pm, left on trolley in agony and then approached at 5.19am saturday morning told they would get a bed if form was signed, so signed. NB they were not given a copy of form. They were never in hospital in their life and had no sleep since thursday 8am.
At 8am saturday trolley is moved to ward and left outside a 2 bed room, you can see in, and it has 2 patients with screen dividers. Person is then told at 11am there is no bed available.
The trolley is horrendous an unbelievable thin mattress and person has severe stomach pain, that is aggravated by movement. Person 2 intervenes and goes back to A&E asking for sight of form and seeking to address the person who presented form. Told they were off duty. Requested a copy of said form and told it was not available.!! Person 2 says they want to cancel said form and stay public and request a better trolley. Another trolley is provided a bit better but not much. Person 2 then signed an in patient form on behalf of Person 1. Does this rescind the Private in patient form? Laya are not available as its a sunday and bank holiday. A few hours later a bed was provided in a 5 person ward.
There is a sentence in this Private insurance form that I find scary. It reads.
"Please be aware that if you are subject to any waiting periods/pre-existing conditions or if you do not have sufficient insurance cover you will be liable for the full cost of your hospital stay(as per the charges noted above) and treatment by a private consultant.
This seems to mean if your insurer cant bear the full cost then the patient is billed for the lot!! And this is for an A&E admission.