problem with cat poo


Registered User
I'm cleaning up cat crap on a very regular basis ( almost daily) from my front lawn and I'm sick of it. I'm really looking for advice to see if there is anything I can do about it??? I've tried many, many granules and get off gels, orange and lemon peels, scattering sharp twigs about the place, firing things at the cat, mixtures of curry powder and spices, washing off and cleaning the area regularly but nothing works and I'm weary of coming home to it every day. I would at this stage kill the cat if I could catch it, it's so disgusting. Any advice appreciated?
Have you tried filling see thru plastic bottles with water and leaving about? Something to do with no polluting near water source? are you sure it is a cat... they tend to be 'tidy', maybe it is a fox??
Odd of a cat to just go in the middle of a lawn, they like to be able to dig and scatter a bit of ground. If all else fails dig up a square of lawn somewhere out of the way and let them use that, they will much prefer freshly dug ground and at least then it will all be in the same place.

I have raised beds in my garden, one is reserved for the cat, the rest are covered, she never goes anywhere else. It doesn't smell or look messy as she basically rakes it over and scatters the soil around.
Yeah this sounds strange to me too - cats don't like uncovered feces, be it their own or others... I've never seen a cat leave their waste in open view. Is this in disturbed soil or grassland? Cats are immensely clean, both themselves and their surroundings.
Are you sure it's a cat?
Unless they've a dose of the trots I've only ever know cats to bury the litter.
Have you actually seen the cat defecating and not burying it?
If it's a wild cat you might escape unpunished by killing it. But if it's a family pet, you kill it, and the owner finds out, you could be opening up a can of whoop-ass.
Killing a family pet tends to fall under the umbrella of animal cruelty. Never a good reputation to have. Then, for the remainder of your days when any neighbourhood animals that "go missing" (and they will), the eye of suspicion will be cast in your direction.
I have this problem in my back garden, mix of feral and domesticated cats, and I've spotted them at it with little or no attempt to cover.

I wouldn't advise killing even a feral cat though. If you really want to deal with them, trap them and let a vet deal with them.
I have this problem in my new gaff. Front and back gardens destroyed with cat poo and what I think is foxes. Even caught a cat in action in the middle of the front lawn 5ft in front of me...wasn't the least bit afraid until my boot made contact with him! My house was empty for a year or so before being sold so I think all the neighbourhood cats are using it as their toilet.
I've tried all the citrus powders to no avail.
But I have found sending the kids out after them screaming any time we spot one has has an impact...far less sightings than was the case a few weeks back.

Fox poo on the other hand :mad:
I've sen the fox in the front and back, both in the evening and morning. There are no dogs around and the faeces is not from cats. He/she seems especially fond of pooing in the front garden near the entrance. How do I stop the fox!
I can't believe that people are advocating cruelty to animals here!
Killing and kicking cats!
Delboy you realise you could seriously injure a cat with a kick? And just because he is going to the loo he deserves this, or to be killed?
I'm tempted to try something like (this) motion activated water sprayer. Move it about every now and then to cover their usual spots and maybe even just the sight of it will deter them once they get sprayed a few times.

Previous threads on this topic here, here, and here.

Let's steer clear of both sides of the cruelty debate and stick to non-harmful suggestions.
Fox poo on the other hand :mad:
I've sen the fox in the front and back, both in the evening and morning. There are no dogs around and the faeces is not from cats. He/she seems especially fond of pooing in the front garden near the entrance. How do I stop the fox!

I had a problem with foxes attacking bin bags left out for collection. For the past year I have started spraying the bags with Jayes Fluid when I leave them out at night and the foxes haven't touched them since. I dont know if this stops them from smelling the bins and they dont know they are there or if the foxes dont like the smell of Jayes Fluid, but it has stopped them. It might be worth a try.