Price Comparison Site for Toll Road Electronic Tags ?


Registered User

Has anyone got a link for a website to compare the price of Electronic Tag Services (incl. admin fees and toll fees) ?

I have been with EasyTrip for years and never actually checked to see if the likes of Eflow or other competitors are cheaper, provide a better service etc.

Many thanks
Thank you,

I've already done that. From the top searches:

1. AskAboutMoney is linked. Guess what, I'm already here !

2. Compare Road Tags on The title "Compare Road Toll Tags" on the gov website is misleading, as it doesn't actually offer a comparison facility between multiple tag providers (or if it does then sorry but I cannot find it).

3. A newspaper article from the Indo which appears to have been written in June 2008

4. & 5. Then there's a cople of links to Moneyguide which only summarises the different methods of payment.

...then there's the homepages for Eflow and the NRA etc.

I was hoping someone might have a link to something like Bonkers or Uswitch which offered an independent comparison.

If one exists, I'd love to know also. I presume there's nothing, as otherwise Google would have it. The site promises much but delivers little.