Preserved pre-2013 pension and rejoining public service


Registered User
Does anyone know what happens if you have an old preserved public service pension (e.g. 10 years based on career average) on the pre-2013 scheme, then left for the private sector for a few years and rejoin the public service again now on the "new" post-2013 scheme. Do you retain both public service pensions separately, or do they get joined up in some way?

Also, do you still get a % of the contributary OAP based on your PRSI contributions during your time working in the private sector, separate to the part integrated in your public service pensions?
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Is the pre 2013 pension based on the D stamp? If so it is separate and you will get at age 60. If it is the a stamp it is probably still separate. The new pension is single pension scheme and retirement age is in line with state pension age. You will get part pension from this. The amount of contributory state pension will depend on your level of a contributions.
Thanks Dr S - good to know - I thought the old preserved one might get "changed into" career average if they did get merged so that's helpful to know.

Thanks partnership - it is A stamp / full rate for the old preserved pension
Thanks Dr S - good to know - I thought the old preserved one might get "changed into" career average if they did get merged so that's helpful to know.
I think if you have a gap of less than six months you can rejoin the old scheme I think.
Thanks Dr S - good to know - I thought the old preserved one might get "changed into" career average if they did get merged so that's helpful to know.

Thanks partnership - it is A stamp / full rate for the old preserved pension
I think the old one will get changed into the new one…
Really? So they won't stay separate? That's not good as the terms of the preserved pension are better.

The gap working in the private sector is 10 years or so so the 6 months doesn't apply in this case but thanks Dr S
Thanks, Rey interesting. Apologies for my incorrect answer.

As a teacher I was always told that if I had more that 26 weeks of unapproved leave I oucld be moved to a less favourable pension. Is this not the case?

Yes that's the case in the HSE too and I assume all the public service.

After 6 months break in service you move to the current scheme. Your old contributions are preserved (assuming you didn't get a refund).

If you're on approved leave you stay on the scheme you were on.