Post 1995 Garda Retiree & PRSI Returning to work PRSI


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I am a post 1995 garda retiree having been mandatory retired after reaching maximum age of 60 in 2022.
I went on Jobseekers for nine months after which i recieved a supplementary pension from Justice which is circa 33% of my pension €11k, ( which has recieved No increase since retirement date ) this is included on my monthly pension payslip, of which i do not have any PRSI deductions.
I am now 2 yrs retired and thinking of going back to work for circa 3days a week, wondering what implications this will have on my Garda pension plus will ther be PRSI implications on my Garda Pension, many thanks for constructive inputs
Hi stoves1 Long time lurker first time poster here. My wife and I are recently retired Psychiatric Nurses and as "A" stamp payers have gone through the nine month Jobseekers benefit process. The supplementary pension component of our overall pension has received the recent increases from the annual public sector pay deals. I hope this helps you and other public servants as there is very little solid information on the supplementary pension and its operation available. We appear to be some of the first retirees who are "A" stamp and not the usual "D" stamp retirees.
I am not sure about your query re going back to work but when we attended the Intreo/DSW office they appeared to indicate if we returned to any form of paid work we would lose the supplementary component and not be able to get back on it!.
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Many Thanks Codeblue for your helpful input, and yes it does look like if i go back to work i will have to go through thr Torterous Process with Intreo again, i wouldnt wish that on anybody.
I have sent you a private message re: Supplementary Pension not recieving % national wage agreement increases and hope you may be able to help me please
My understanding is that you can "sign off" the supplementary payment process during periods where you work.

In my job, there could be short term work like interview panels etc... that if I am paid for would impact on the Suplementary Pension. If it was removed altogether that would be serious and would impact the public sector as retirees underpin a lot of the public sector recruitment with panels.
Hi stoves1 Long time lurker first time poster here. My wife and I are recently retired Psychiatric Nurses and as "A" stamp payers have gone through the nine month Jobseekers benefit process. The supplementary pension component of our overall pension has received the recent increases from the annual public sector pay deals. I hope this helps you and other public servants as there is very little solid information on the supplementary pension and its operation available. We appear to be some of the first retirees who are "A" stamp and not the usual "D" stamp retirees.
I am not sure about your query re going back to work but when we attended the Intreo/DSW office they appeared to indicate if we returned to any form of paid work we would lose the supplementary component and not be able to get back on it!.
In a similar situation as yourself and your wife! I've posted about issue I'm having with JS Benefit v Supplementary Pension. Would be interested to hear your views/experiences.
Im not yet retired but intend to soon and will be in same position as you, I asked my union about this as I’d like to sub a day or two when retired and they said what you earn will reduce your supp pension but it won’t be cut off!
In fairness to the staff we dealt with in our local DSW and Intreo office they had very little experience with the implementation of the supplementary pension. Historically public servants were all "D" stamp or combined "D and A" stamp, we appeared to be some of the first pure"A" stamp prsi contributors they had to deal with. My own sense is that blanketyblanks post is closer to the reality but hopefully someone can post who is in receipt of the supplementary pension and has returned to do the odd day of work and how payroll/pensions have dealt with them on a week to week basis.
Just to add we have no plans to return to paid work our main concern was getting the annual % pay increase awarded to the supplementary pension as it represents 35/40% of our overall occupational pension.