Penalty points and car not registered to me yet


Registered User

Got dne by a fixed camera on the M50 last night S Bound just before Finglas. I think I was at 130km/h so I felt a bit pissed of that I get clocked on an emplty motorway for that, when statistically the accidents dont happen here!! anyway.......
...the car is new to us and is in limbo between the delaership and ourselves with regards to the registration. Any one any ideas on what may happen in this scenario re the points?
Just because it flashed doesnt mean it was recording images. if it was, the previous owner or garage will pass on your details with the date of sale when the fixed penalty notice arrives.
p.s. are you serious about no accidents on the M50!!!
The previous owner will get any notice of alleged speeding and will complete a declaration on the rear of the notice saying that they sold to you on a certain date and then a new notice will be issued to you.

It might never happen. Only 3 of 20 of those boxes have film.
Thanks lads...
sorry I must correst myself there I did not mean NO accidents but...that it is a fact that the Dual carriage ways and motor ways are the "fish in a barrell" and the majority of serious accidents and fatalities occurs on the minor roads.
Perhaps though this is getting on to another subject.

I could get any body to admit to driving at the time? right..? worst case scenario.
I have 2 points: 2yrs2mths old, and would like to hang on in til they clear in 10 months.
The Fixed penalty point notice will be sent to the current registered owner of the car. They in turn will nominate you as the current owner of the car. You will then receive a notice in the post confirming you as the named owner of the car, the speed you were doing, date/time and the location of the offence and therefore the presumed offender. The dealer in turn will receive confirmation that they will not be pursued for any offence.
In addition to my last note you in turn cannot nominate a person on foot of being nominated by someone else.

Also, if the camera shot was taken infront of you a full pic is also viewable by the Garda. I have first hand experience of a well-know radio broadcasyer who tried to nominate his daughter - until a full pic was sent to him showing very clearly who was driving - this was taken at 11pm - so nighttime pics have no impact.

I thought everyone new about the 2 cameras at the end of the m50.

I wouldn't worry about it probably no film in the camera.
Course I do! I have never driven any less than 75-80mph on the Motor way when empty. Never flashed before :confused: .

I accept I was speeding and must take my medicine- if there was film, but chances are in my favour it seems.
If the vehicle licence cert is not in you name when the camera got you. It just is not your problem unless you signed a car loan agreement with the garage. However if the garage tried to bring you to court and had a SIMI sale agreement signed by you on a certain date before the incident... Would this hold up? I doubt it. The points system is full of loop holes anyway. The garage wont even have to accept the points if they did get them. It's a rubbish system.