Parking housing estate


Registered User
We have a duplex in housing estate, our two parking spaces are not marked, they are just outside our door but anyone really can park there . We asked would they be marked eventually and they said no though our property does include two parking spaces.

The housing estate isnt fully occupied yet but when it is I can see it being a problem as not everyone has a dedicated parking space.

Has anyone got experience of this and is there any way of marking out spaces without asking the Council?

On a recent visit into Dublin. Just off the North Circular Road (opp Mater Hospital) on the side roads. People placed parking cones outside their houses. Their right to park there seemed to be respected.
Firstly has the estate been taken under control by the Council, if not then they won't do anything about it as it's private property.

You should check your contract with the builders as well to see what it says
If the specific parking spaces outside your front door are yours to park in, it means that other apartment owners have spaces allocated to their apartments.

You should get onto the Management Company and propose a resolution at the next AGM that spaces be numbered/identified and marked out as being allocated to the specific apartments. (It’s probably in the title deeds already, but no harm to have something to point to in the event of a dispute).

Or call an EGM.
Just to be clarify are you entitled to the use of the 2 spaces or are you entitled to use any 2 spaces - with a preference for the 2 outside your door?
Just to be clarify are you entitled to the use of the 2 spaces or are you entitled to use any 2 spaces - with a preference for the 2 outside your door?
This is the crooks of the matter really. Does your property include the use of 2 parking spaces or the use of 2 specific allocated parking spaces? Unfortunately in the development I'm in the apartments are permitted to use 2 parking spaces each, but not allocated. It wasn't an issue for years but as the estate got older, now the children of families are starting to drive it has become an issue.
thanks all, yes our properly does include 2 parking spaces on the map, just not marked. Some apartments spaces are not directly outside their property but ours is. Will get into management company. thanks