AIB Over €50K Upper Appeals Panel - No Response to itemised Claims


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I am new to forum.
Claim went to upper AIB Appeals Panel via BDO for serious losses as a result of admitted wrongdoings.
After over 14 months, Response is astonishing - "The panel did not agree .. and had been appropriately compensated by the Bank"
Following very detailed and time consuming claim, rebutting AIB denials, producing evidence to substantiate etc
No response to our itemised claims on how the AIB so called "Independent" Appeals Panel arrived at their conclusion
Requested oral hearing but Appeal Panel state "not required"
Has this been a feature of other claimants to over €50k AIB Panel?
Has anybody who lost property got any additional compensation award from AIB?
Or is it off to FSPO for a few years more?
This AIB Tracker Appeals Panel is suspect.
Hi A1

It is very frustrating that the Appeals Panel dismisses claims in very short sentences without giving any reasoning at all.

I have seen another case where their reasoning was bizarre in the extreme and their calculations were wrong - but they were in favour of the customer. So it's not bias. They just don't have anyone who understands mortgages.

However, you now know the bank's reasoning so you can go to the Ombudsman. If you keep your argument tight and don't respond to every response from AIB you should get a reply within the year.

The so call process is bogus and totally stacked against the customer as follows
1. Packed so called Independent Appeals Panels, all handpicked and paid for by the wrongdoers the Banks
2. Limits of 150k BTL & 300k PDH when totally insufficient for the harm and losses inflicted by Banks for forced property sales
3. No reasons given by appeals Panels, lacking in transparency & accountability
4. Sending people off the FSPO for years on end
5. And if not happy off to Court where you will be fleeced and up against the state sponsored banks mighty legal teams
It is a total cop out by Central Bank and Government. A disgrace against the customer

Would not mind knowing how many people have actually got anything back for loss of property? what the panel says in its findings? or are the victims all gagged by the Bank from saying?
Hi A1

First of all, the Appeals Panel is an extra chance for a borrower to sort out the problem. It does not reduce their right to go to the Ombudsman or the High Court in any way.

Second, by submitting your Appeal and looking at the bank's response, it helps you to articulate your complaint to the Ombudsman much better.

I agree fully that the AIB Appeals Panel is a disgrace. Sending everyone the same rejection note irrespective of the argument made. However, it was not a waste of time in that AIB in, at least two cases I am familiar with, hanged themselves with their response. The Appeals Panel did not see this, but I would be fairly confident that the Ombudsman would.

I attach the figures from the Central Bank final report. 55% of appeals from all the banks have been upheld or partially upheld.

You can now go to the Ombudsman and in your complaint, you can set out your arguments and you can anticipate AIB's response. This should speed up the process of getting a decision. But the Ombudsman has a lot of complaints on trackers and they are complicated, so it will take time.



  • Appeals outcomes from Central Bank final report.pdf
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