Old P.C., what to do with it?

If they can't be bothered replying to emails then I'm not that inclined to support them. Thanks all the same.

Yeah, whatever. I found a phone call useful, there are loads of other alternatives to getting roid of another PC - a grad student too kan old Pentium II off me for writing her thesis.

FWIW, I wasn't charged by Camara. Sorry, I have no connection to camara, but having visited Africa and being moved by the conditions children have to endure to try and get an education, I took the time to drop my PC to them. This was on a Saturday morning, with of volunteers breaking a gut to try and get anotehr shipment ready, so maybe they don't have the time to reply to emails...
If they can't be bothered replying to emails then I'm not that inclined to support them. Thanks all the same.
I get about 10,000 spams a month. If a legitimate email gets incorrectly filtered, there is minimal (very close to zero) chance of me reading it.
Email is no longer a reliable means of communication, especially for first contact situations.
Er - they explicitly invite people to contact them by email with details of their spare hardware as part of their three step donation process! I contacted the address mentioned and copied a few others listed elsewhere on their site but got nothing back.
^^They'd probably want to review that. They even have their email address in a nice, scrape-able format on their website.