New build spreadsheet list

I have no problem in forwarding on the building spreadsheet but I have to stress that it only consists of the main headings of construction and the % of total build cost that goes into each heading. e.g Substructure 5%, Roof 7% etc. All you need to know is the sq.ft of the house and apply a cost/sq.ft, which is about €78-100 depending on location. The spreadhseet will not save you money but it will give you a rough idea of how much needs to go into each building element.
[broken link removed] Re: New build spreadsheet list
hi patrick2008 could u also forward me a copy of the spread sheet, planning decision due shortly. much appreciated thanx n advance
hi patrick2008 as per all previous request i too would be gratefull if you could forward me a copy of the spread sheet, thank you
Hi Jolly having trouble contacting you directly on your email. Your blog is very helpful and just what I am looking for in order. I would be very obliged if you could send me unprotected files so that I can amend to suit my design for 240m2 bungalow...hoping this will help me get like for like prices with building contractors? THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE. Cony
Hi Patrick
Is there any chance you would forward me the spreadsheet please to [email protected] We are hoping to build next year and trying to decide whether to go direct labour or contract. Building in North Kerry, 1.5pt storey, no stonework, over 2300square foot. Have got quotations from contractors but feel we can make savings with direct labour.....any advice would be greatly appreciated.