name on boarding pass v passport with ryanair


Registered User
how strict is ryanair when comparing the name on a passport to the name on a boarding pass? i booked 20 lads in with them for a stag. because there were so many i couldnt get all their passports at the time.i am now checking everyone in for the boarding pass. there are a few small difference in that i have one second name "byrnes" and on the passport it syas "byrne" another one is "damien" v's "damian" i have travelled with them a good bit in the last souple of years but they have never compared the names they just checked that there was a boarding pass and a passport. anyone else got any other experiences?
You should be okay. They generally just scan the boarding pass and passport to ensure that the face is the person.
You will be grand. Its only if its a different name entirely that it matters. I booked a 'Mayrann' instead of 'Maryann' and that was ok.
A friend recently had a flight booked for her under the name frances, as that is the name she is known by, but her passport says Jacinta Frances.... She rang them up, and was told that it was ok. Once Frances was part of the name it was ok.
did the same on a few lads names recently that are all traveling as a group to a game and rang aerlingus. was told your allowed up to 3 letters wrong in any name by 2 different people there