Mrs Robinson

Funnily enough I can see the attraction a 19 year old might have to a mature, sophisticated, powerful person in their 50s/60s, but the other way round? Nope. Couldn't see myself ( in 30s, just about) ever having any interest in a 19 year old.

I remember in my early twenties having a crush ( not acted on) to someone in their mid 50s at the time.
Vanilla, I am sure that Iris probably thought just like you when she was 30! You do not know how you will feel when you are 50.
A lot of people disapprove of homosexuality and a lot of the churches have this as one of their constant themes .Nevertheless most members do not view adultery with a member of the opposite sex as anything as "bad" as homosexuality which they claim is un natural.While I agree it is hypocritical ,the big hypocrisy would be if she had a homosexual affair.
I don`t think the young man was thinking about the money when Iris made herself available.ANY YOUNG MAN WOULD HAVE GONE FOR IT.She is not bad looking for her age.
If I was single and that age and had an opportunity like that I'd certainly take it - wouldn't think twice. She's not ravishing but there is something vampish about her I have to say.

No such thing as bad sex anyway. :)

As long as she didn't speak though...

Hee Hee Caveat you durty rogue - you've changed your tune since the Tiger such thing as bad sex? maybe you're right.
I remember this topic came up one Friday night over a pint at work. The younger guys were much less fussy than us middle-age guys. Age didn't matter to them! Look at Meryl Streep at 60... Sophia Loren at 70+... Tina Turner? That Little Britain sketch of the young lad chasing his friend's granny isn't too far from reality!

Ulster says NO, but, Iris says YES, YES, YES!
This is a deeply personal matter which, bizzarely, they have chosen to share with the general public.

That's the point - it was their own decision to air their dirty laundry in public so why not talk about it?

Some of the comments made on here are at best delighting in their misery at worst vitriolic.

Mrs. Robinson's comments on homosexuals appear hypocritical in light of her adultery which was considered a sin last time I checked. So why not highlight it?

Despite cries of hypocricy regarding comments made about homosexuality, can't help but wonder if the fact that they're Northern Irish Unionists has anything to do with it. Why were similar comments not made about members of the Roman Catholic clergy who were/are guilty of much worse crimes?

You might have missed all rather vitriolic posts on RC clergy on this forum - I'd suggest you have a look and read them before you say there were none or only very few.
Hypocracy and cant! It's what you find with most fundamentalists. Add in unbridled ambition and greed and you've got the Robinsons
There has been plenty of outcry about the Catholic church, even here on AAM. The fact is however that the Robinsons have repeatedly made comments which are grossly homophobic and offensive. They fail to demonstrate the christian charity they preach.

Even more recently, Peter Robinson stayed silent about the death of Cardinal Cathal Daly. As First Minister he should have acknowledged it at the very least. And its no coincidence that they chose to speak about Mrs Robinson's behaviour before the BBC programme aired. I doubt they had any choice as presumably they were made aware the story was about to break.

Purple's OP on this included the line 'As ye sow, so ye shall reap'. So beautifully ironic in this instance. Nothing to do with religion, but I generally enjoy seeing hypocrites getting their comeuppance.
Journalists knew about this story at the beginning of December 09. The Robinsons were contacted by the Press Office on 7th Dec, that's why Iris stepped down from public life at the end Dec & why they made those statements on Weds night.
I imagine that the "suicide attempt" never took place but was presented to garnish sympathy. They will find that their ilk don't do sympathy too well. Peter Robinson is finished and like all of his type has a nice nest egg to return to - when his cohorts reject him.
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This is a deeply personal matter which, bizzarely, they have chosen to share with the general public.

Some of the comments made on here are at best delighting in their misery at worst vitriolic.

Despite cries of hypocricy regarding comments made about homosexuality, can't help but wonder if the fact that they're Northern Irish Unionists has anything to do with it. Why were similar comments not made about members of the Roman Catholic clergy who were/are guilty of much worse crimes?

It's quite clear that the only reason they chose to 'share' with the general public is because the BBC were about to go public with it.
Mrs Robinson's views on homosexuality are not unique in the DUP. In May 2007, Ian Paisly Jr stated that he was "repulsed by homosexuals". This was at a time when he was a junior minister in the Office of the First Minister, with responsibility for promoting Equality!!
One wonders how Mrs Robinson was able to secure a prompt 25k from two prominent property developers.
There are a few issues here.

1) A bible thumping, homophobic woman has had an affair. OK, this is hypocrisy. We can indulge in her discomfort.

She is 40 years older, old enough to be his grandmother. That's just disgusting!!

Some people seem to be disgusted that a 19 year old male would find a 59 year old female attractive. Yet they criticize her for being disgusted that a 19 year old male, would find another 19 year old male attractive.

Is gerontophobia(?) that much different from homophobia?

I am neither a homophobe nor a gerontophobe (too old myself to be one, I suppose)

3) She used her power to get money for her lover and for herself. This is an abuse of her position and so she should resign.

4) But why should Peter Robinson resign? I don't like him. I don't like his views. It's not his fault that his wife was unfaithful and on the fiddle.

I genuinely feel for him. He has given great service and has been an honest politican as far as I know. There is no evidence that he has been dishonest. If there is, he should go.

I imagine the shock when he discovered that his wife had been abusing her position. In situations like this, people panic. He arranged for the money to be repaid. He should have insisted that she report it to the authorities, but I can understand why he didn't. I wouldn't fire him for it. It's very difficult to report your wife to the authorities. I am not sure that many people would do that.
I think that this and the revelations about Gerry Adams could have a very destabilising effect on the political situation in Northern Ireland.

I don’t agree with posters who find it disgusting that a 60 year old woman and a 19 year old man are attracted to each other; there are plenty of 60 year old men who chase after 19 year old women (or would of they could).
I don’t agree with posters who find it disgusting that a 60 year old woman and a 19 year old man are attracted to each other; there are plenty of 60 year old men who chase after 19 year old women (or would of they could).


You mean like this guy

Yeah well I don't doubt he has a good time but really and truly I mean come on Purple you can't say they don't get well compensated for it.

On the other hand you have guys like this who women would pay to view his etchings.

As for the Robinsons I feel sorry for both of them I believe she has a bit of a mental illness but believe both of them should resign, her because she should not be in politics and him because he hid things that he, as first minister, should have deal with regardless of whether they were married or not.
I'd say Deaglán de Bradún is off the Robinsons Bigotcard list after today's piece in The Irish Times (Home News Page 8). Deco's sub-head states that "The friendship between Irish Robinson...". Does he not understand that the Robinson's xenophobia stems from from their espoused "Bratishness" and that only Free Staters, Papists and Shinners are Irish?

I feel your pain Mrs. Robinson; God be with the days when someone called Deaglán de Bradún would only have been allowed to write for the Our Boys.

In the meantime here is an article about some innovative legislation you might consider introducing in Westminster before you depart - [broken link removed]