Moving to UK for job at 56


Registered User
I have been offered a 9 to 5 job in UK - Wales - - salary 55k - to do with qualification I have for which there are very few jobs in Ireland. The job I am doing in Ireland is based on shift work, and it would be difficult to change from shift work. The work culture where I work is oppressive with a significant amount of bullying. My children are grown up in their 20s. I have a partner but we only meet every second weekend. He would be happy to come over 4 x days per month and I would return for 4 days and soend my holidays gere. . I have hardly any pension pot due to being in and out of work for children. I have a 2nd property worth 550k to sell in retirement with no mortgage and I own my own home mortgage fee. I lived in UK previously and contribute to UK STate pension. Is it a crazy idea to take this job. I really enjoyed working in the UK before I returned to have my children here over 20 years ago.
No one but you can decide. There won't be too many more opportunities, kids are hopefully able to mind themselves, relationship is what it is and you don't seem content/happy enough with it as is. If it was me, with ok health and glad to go, then I'd go. If you do, Good Luck to you. We only get one shot at this life, make the most of it and thankfully people are beginning to see the importance of "me" and not everyone else first. You've already taken care of the others, take care of "me" now. As for your finances/property, etc. That's another days work.
Based on what you've posted, I can't see any reason why you wouldn't go.
Hi! All, thanks for your replies. I really do want to go. I have reared my children and because of genetic health issues - I feel lucky to be alive and still healthy. I am with my partner about 2.5 years. If I stayed because of him, I know I would resent him and that would impact negatively on the relationship. There are many opportunities in my line of work - my 2nd qualification - in UK. Many who have this qualification retire at 65 and then do 2 x days per week in a contract basis - 9 to 5 post retirement, and the money is good.
Have you been keeping your UK credited contributions going all this time back so you can avail.of UK state pension at 65?
Hi! Looks head. I have 22 years of UK State pension contributions. My accountant told ne also that because the UK is outside the EU now, and despite agreement with UK on taxation and benefits, I can also keep up my Irish pension contributions by paying 500 euros per year.
Hi! Looks head. I have 22 years of UK State pension contributions. My accountant told ne also that because the UK is outside the EU now, and despite agreement with UK on taxation and benefits, I can also keep up my Irish pension contributions by paying 500 euros per year.

When you go back to the UK, contact the pension service in Newcastle and pay back all your missing years, you have up until April 2023 to do so. Don't delay.!
Hi! Groucho, thanks for details of the voluntary contribution form.

Lookahead - can I buy more years 9f UK State pension? I worked there from 1994 to 2000 and have 22 years pension with them up to Aprilm22. I probably could buy back another 6 years - is this correct?
I can't see any reason not to take it.

Join a couple of local groups over there and you'll quickly enjoy it.

Toastmasters would be a good option if there's one nearby.
Hi! Groucho, thanks for details of the voluntary contribution form.

Lookahead - can I buy more years 9f UK State pension? I worked there from 1994 to 2000 and have 22 years pension with them up to Aprilm22. I probably could buy back another 6 years - is this correct?
Yes you can buy back all your lost years but be quick, April 2023 us the deadline and as you ad I know, everyone leaves it to the last minute.