moving in?


Registered User
on jsa - the one that is means tested as I was made redundant, took ill afterwards, stupidly didnt change to illness benefit and used up my stamps, now cannot find work. would like to move in with bf, who is self-employed. Going out of my mind with boredom and going brain dead. If i moved in with bf (he lives in different part of country) at least I could do some paperwork for him (have some experience from previous jobs). How would that work out in relation to my benefit? Would I lose my jsa? could he employ me? there wouldnt be a lot of work to do, maybe 1 full day per week (or a couple of hours each day). I don't want to be dependant on him for money. He does need someone to give him a hand with paperwork. Could he employ me, say for 1 day per week, and could I claim something for the other days, even if we were living together?

Dont know what to do about this one. Not as easy to travel to see him as no spare cash for extra petrol and he works late when he has work on. Before I was made redundant we had planned to move in together, but I put it on hold as I would like things to be 50/50.

I also don't want to lose my medical card, as the illness I have requires scans every few months and regular check ups, which would cost me a fortune. I did have health insurance before I lost job and as far as I know, if I went back paying health insurance, this is now a pre-existing condition and they would not cover me for the scans I will need. I am well enough to work as long as I don't get a relapse, so I don't want to be on illness benefit.
If you move in with your partner, you will be means-tested on his income, so your JSA will probably be affected whether you work part-time for him or not.