Most memorable tv programmes

Brilliant TV programmes

Hi gang,

I forgot to put in my 2 cents worth.

On the uplifting side - the Cosmos series with Carl Sagan just blew me away - nearly 25 years on I still get a kick from watching it on DVD and started a love of things scientific which is still with me

On the depressing side (but equally brilliant) - The World at War. Highly recommended - actually should be made compulsory viewing.


Re: Brilliant TV programmes

Some more from the ashes...

- Thrill Seekers hosted by Chuck Connors
- I Dream of Geanie
- Green Acres
- The oniginal Ripley's Believe it or Not hosted by (aaaah the name is gone!! - he starred in the film Requiem for a Heavyweight!!!

Re: Brilliant TV programmes

The oniginal Ripley's Believe it or Not hosted by (aaaah the name is gone!! - he starred in the film Requiem for a Heavyweight!!!
Jack Palance.

Remember Logans Run, halls pictorial weekly, yes Minister(good to watch still on uk gold,
The cross country quiz with bunny carr!!! ( i dont think so.)
Cant remember the name of the kids show but on part of it was "Oh Oh its Danger island"
The monkeys
Anything goes (at the start) - Dave fanning etc
Re: Brilliant TV programmes

Castaway - the Swiss Family Robinson who were stranded on an a desert island (Castaway - & Swiss Family Robinson weer one and the same right?)
Re: Brilliant TV programmes

Yes Jem I remember it well.

The cross country quiz was with Peter Murphy but I think Liam Devally (here comes the Judge) was a stand in host on a few occasions. On one occasion there was a near riot. Can anyone remember what was about? CCQ was a colaboration with Macra. I was hotly contested and a very enjoyable show.

There was another quiz show hosted by Liam Nolan (of the very loud sports jackets) and the exotic (or so it seemed then Candy Devine). I cant remember the name of the show but it was dreadful.

Re: Brilliant TV programmes

Liam Nolan did appear on Sports Stadium - multi coloured checkered sports jacket and all...

- other reminants of the past...

- Murphys Micro Quizm (with crappy graphics -leading edge at the time though- provided by Lendac Data Systems)
- Growing Strong with Bunny Carr & Anne(wats her name) in the afternoons
Re: Brilliant TV programmes

I saw Zig and Zag's latest offering on Channel 4 at the weekend. Not Zig and Zag but the voices behind them so to speak.

"The Bronx Bunny Show"

It's it superb. If you thought Podge And Rodge were rude, wait until you see this. It makes Podge and Rodge look like Bosco.

Make sure the kids are in bed before you tune in.

Re: Brilliant TV programmes

Yeah...The Bronx Bunny Show is without doubt one of the funniest things on TV these days. Classic stuff.
Re;Brilliant TV programmes

Does anyone remember 'Roots'? It has never been repeated as far as I know. It was compulsory watching with my work colleagues.
Re: Re;Brilliant TV programmes

what about noel edmunds multi coloured swap shop on saturday mornings, I loved it, i always wanted to be able to get a proper pair of boot skates, they were forever being swapped, all i had was the ones that tied on to your shoes, and nearly killed you when your foot fell out
Re: Re;Brilliant TV programmes

Does anyone remember "Spike" it was a gritty drama that was pulled off the air after less than half the episodes were broadcast. I'm not saying it was any good but for the hell of it I would like to see it. I think it might be funny to see what was so scandalous in the late 70's. Any suggestions how I might my paws on the videos??

Re: Re;Brilliant TV programmes

Jeez yes - If I recall the last episode of Spike was the one where they were having art classes with a nude model!

I Claudius was on TV around the same era I think.


Yes, I remember the Spike - it was sh1te but the nude model was revolutionary for the time. Officially it wasn't taken off the air - it was "deferred"! How about a campaign to resume transmission.

Does anyone remember 'Roots'? It has never been repeated as far as I know. It was compulsory watching with my work colleagues.
I've seen it available on DVD. Should be able to pick it up in virgin/Golden discs or online for half the price.
TV programmes

Get Smart ( and 99)

Watched this religiously every week. I think it was on a Sat evening. The technology......... a phone in the heel of his shoe......brilliant. His voice was so unique. Can't think of his name. Was it Adam or Alan something? It was brilliant.
My teenagers would be in a mega cringe if they were to see it now.
Re: Get Smart and 99

Technology - what about the cone of silence :lol
Get Smart

Get Smart... and that great sliding door sequence. Was it at the beginning or the end?

Some more "...age demographics..."
Shorsha agus Bartley.
Bill and Ben.
F Troop.
7 Days.
Blessed Trinity


Ah the blessed trinity of daytime TV
Re: Blessed Trinity


Which one is the odd one out and why? Answers on a post card to Bosca tri cuig cuig (355)

Edited to correct box number
Re: Blessed Trinity

Skippy, cos he was an Aussie.

Or else flipper, cos he was waterbound.

Or maybe Lassie...em...cos he was the only one who could bark and pee on three legs!!