Mater Private Health Check


Registered User
I had this (Mater private health check 510 Euro) done recently (early 40's) and thought it was great, for piece of mind if nothing else. I spend the same amount servicing my car each year and multiples of this on my teeth so to get a baseline report is worth every penny. For someone like me who'd never ever been to the doc and who doesn't believe in private medical insurance, this is a great service. It took two hours, one hour of which was spent with a doctor doing a (to me at least) a very comprehensive examination, I would highly recommend this to anyone with any helath concerns, however small. Just go in and get it done! (Only other visit to a GP was five years ago after a 37 year old colleague dropped dead, GP asked me what i had to be concerned about and dismissed me out of hand without even taking blood pressure so today's visit to the Mater was reassuring if nothing else)