Martin Cullen - the saga continues...


me newbie

So, it seems now that our Minister for Transport will be fully cleared of any wrong doing with respect to awarding PR contracts and such.

I'm just curious as to know what peoples feeling and thoughts are regarding Martin Cullen and his life in office thus far?? It certainly has been a colourful one to say the least.

Comments anyone??
He should have walked the plank for the e-voting fiasco! Bertie told Quigley was told to have it done and dusted before the Dail resumed, apparently his wording suggests it wasn't as comprehsive as it should have been. I dont think we will hear much more out of him to be honest....

by appointing that woman or whoever else to this type of bs job and wasting the taxpayers money, the government are basically saying that the civil service is run by planks who are not capable of issuing a press release or organizing a cheese and wine. im surprised their unions do not have more to say.

Would it be fair to say that people are just tired of Cullens carry on at this stage, we've had enough.

Jaysus, how many times can one person say they have a very important job or they're very busy doing their important job?
The Minister is, by his own admission, a heavy smoker. When being driven to Waterford by his Garda driver, does he smoke in the car (the driver's place of work) or does the driver have to stop every 30 minutes to let the Minister get a blast of nicotine ?

He was damaged by his attitude to e-voting.
He has not brought in a 2nd FF set in his constituency.
FF representation in the local council is poor.
The PDs have no time for him since he jumped ship from them.

How is he still in Cabinet ?
Cullen is undoubtedly the worst of a bad lost in cabinet. His ability to waffle at length and with passion without saying anything meaningful knows no bounds. He proceed to sign the contract to spend €50 million of taxpayers money in the days after the many weaknesses & concerns later confirmed by the independent commission were presented to him by the opposition and academia. He went on to spend a further €4m on a PR campaign [potentially libellous comment deleted].(eVoting - It's safer for everyone :rolleyes )
"His ability to waffle at length and with passion without saying anything meaningful knows no bounds."

One wonders why he needed PR!
According to a story in today's Sunday Independent, Ms. Leech maintains that it was the Provos who broke into her house in July last and stole her laptop.

Why on earth would the Provos want her computer? She seems to have a high opinion of her own importance.
Re: stolen computer.

I wondered the same thing myself when I saw the headline.

But then it transpired that as PR to Cullen, she would have had a lot of information stored. It was suggested that this might be useful information if SF were looking at taking a seat in the area.

Marion :hat
Re: stolen computer.

Martin Cullen is just a shallow politician with no real ideas. Im glad he is gone from the department of environment because he was doing real harm there. [potentially libellous comment deleted].
Re: stolen computer.

But then it transpired that as PR to Cullen, she would have had a lot of information stored. It was suggested that this might be useful information if SF were looking at taking a seat in the area.

Actually, this is the bit that bothers me most about this whole saga. Leech does work for Cullen on his campaign (we know she organised fundraising events) and she is "rewarded" with a very lucrative PR contract for his Department. Sometimes it works the other way: the PR Firm does work for the Minister, and then that same PR firm does free work on the election campaign or organising fundraisers, etc. Notwithstanding that the PR Firm may be highly competent, integrity dictates that a close political associate should not do work for the Department.

Some of the FF backbenchers don't like Cullen because he started off as a PD, and they think he's not really "one of us". I'd say he's more FF than FF themsleves. Haughey would be proud of him.
Re: stolen computer.

According to a story in today's Sunday Independent, Ms. Leech maintains that it was the Provos who broke into her house in July last and stole her laptop.

In fairness the story emphasised that Ms Leech has no way of knowing who broke into the office in the basement of her home and stole her laptop and printer (incidentally ignoring an amount of cash in the same room), but following recent revelations that IRA man Niall Binead (associate of Aengus O'Snodaigh) was involved in surveillance of Jim McDaid, Charlie McCreevy and others, she suspects that the Provos may have done this in an attempt to bring down Cullen.
Re: stolen computer.

The whole Martin Cullen saga shows how there is one law for them and one for the rest of us. They like to tell us how to live as they fly in the government jet high above the chaos on the roads. They squander our money on every sort of rubbish, and then tell us we should save for our pension. When are they going to stop talking and actually listen to the people who gave them the power?

For goodness sake, will you stop removing the good stuff.
I had to laugh at RTE's coverage of the report's findings - was it an intentional pun to talk about " the services she provided for the minister"?
I would like someone to clear up whether the payments to Monica Leech PR were including expenses. Did her company pay for all her flights and accommodation etc or were these covered by the department. I have not heard what proportion of the fees paid were her "professional fee" and what proportion were other costs. It all makes for good head lines but what's th full story?
The whole Martin Cullen saga shows how there is one law for them and one for the rest of us. They like to tell us how to live as they fly in the government jet high above the chaos on the roads
grow up shneak, that sounds like a line from a monty python piss take of 60's socialism.
I'm no fan or Martin Cullin in particular, or his party leader, but I wouldn't have his job for twice the money. Nearly all politicians, from all parties, work very hard and put up with all sorts of crap that the rest of us couldn't handle.