Management Company Dicates who collects bins


Registered User
We got a letter a few weeks ago from our management company saying they had made a decision regarding who was collecting bins. Instead of Fingal Co Co collecting the black, brown and green bin, they have agreed the City Bin Company will now provide and collect a black and green bin. I dont have an issue with prices charged but we recieved a letter from Fingal letting us know that they were still willing to provide us with a service, we decided to take them up on their offer, we rang Fingal to let them kjnow and that was fine. Today we recieved our management fees invoice for the year which included charge of €185 for the City Bin collection.

a statement in the covering letter stated that ' there is no option to engage an alternative contractor including Fingal Co Co to collect refuse.

are we living in a communist state, can a management company restrict competition?
I dont have an issue with prices charged but we recieved a letter from Fingal letting us know that they were still willing to provide us with a service, we decided to take them up on their offer, we rang Fingal to let them kjnow and that was fine.

What does your lease say? Is this an apartment block or house?

Of course they can and do restrict competition on a daily basis. Consider all the apartment dwellers who aren't allowed satellite dishes so must opt for UPC. I've never seen anything to say an owner can 'opt out' of anything of this nature (with exception of some ground floor unit with seperate entrances) - what's stopping you opting out, then using the facilities on the sly. As an apartment dweller you often have no control over heating fuel supplier, window cleaning etc.
I'm a bit confused. If you accepted that the management company had a contract with CBC for bin collection and that the cost would be included in your service charge (unless this is your first year?), why did you take out a separate contract with FCC?