Maintaining grass verges


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Hi All

Looking for some opinions on this.

I live on a road with grass verges on the foot paths in front of the house. The council mow the grass every few weeks, put weed killer around the trees once a year, but that's about it. I would like to maintain the border of the verges by putting a nice edge on it. I also don't mind doing the verges for a few houses either side of ours, so it all looks neat and tidy etc.

My husband thinks that doing this is akin to saying to able bodied neighbours "look what i had to do, you lazy fec*ers" and thinks they'll be insulted. I don't agree.

Opinions welcome.

Insulted ? Delighted more like! Someone else is doing it for them.

All through the year when necessary, I sweep road at kerbs and remove weeds etc in front of several houses each side in the vain hope that someone might join me.! Never happens and I know if I didn't do it the place would look very neglected.

So go ahead I say. You will get satisfaction from it for yourself. You will unlikely have a queue at your door with bouquets for your endeavours: neither will they ask you to cease.!

It amazes me how people in private estates fail to do what you or I believe enhances our surroundings. Could go on but won't.
I just did mine last week, I would never have done it except the guy beside me did his little bit of the strip, he probably has about 15/20 ft, as I am on the corner I have about 160 ft! Yeh, it was hard work in the heat and it looks great but to honest I would not have bothered if he had left his alone and he could have come a bit further along the strip too!
I just did mine last week, I would never have done it except the guy beside me did his little bit of the strip, he probably has about 15/20 ft, as I am on the corner I have about 160 ft! Yeh, it was hard work in the heat and it looks great but to honest I would not have bothered if he had left his alone and he could have come a bit further along the strip too!

Ah you wish you lived beside noc1 or myself; the gifted kerb-cleaning neighbours.
Wouldn't mind but that flippin site was vacant for 20 yrs and I cut the grass on the verge outside it for every one of those years!
TBH I think doing your neighbours' strips might look a bit control freaky. I would be pretty put out if somebody mowed the strip outside my house, but I would probably be more likely to mow my own if the next-door neighbour had done theirs. (@wbbs and I are clearly one of a kind).

So I say just do your own and see what happens. If the waiting for a copycat mowing gets too much for you drop me a PM and you can come and cut my hedge!
tbh i think doing your neighbours' strips might look a bit control freaky. I would be pretty put out if somebody mowed the strip outside my house
I don't think it's 'control freaky'. At the end of the day, such things have a bearing on your own property. It would be preferable if people take care of the bits directly adjacent to their own properties. However, if left unmaintained, that has a bearing on the perception of the area as a whole.
I don't think it's 'control freaky'. At the end of the day, such things have a bearing on your own property. It would be preferable if people take care of the bits directly adjacent to their own properties. However, if left unmaintained, that has a bearing on the perception of the area as a whole.

+1. A number of my neighbours either have concreted their front gardens or have electric mowers which, without quite a good extension cable, wouldn't reach the verges on the paths. I seem to be the only one prepared to do the ones on our row. I've left them for a number of weeks and now they just look unsightly, it really makes the place look bad. Now that the kids have holidays add the bikes & trikes all over the place in the evening & the chalked hopscotch marks all over the road...sigh!
Agree. Uncut verges and weed strewn kerbs make a street or row look neglected and unkempt and takes from the overall appearance of the neighbourhood. Taking care of these areas demonstrates care of and pride in the locality.

I fail to see how anyone would be insulted if the neighbour performs the tasks mentioned while the other doesn't see the need. There are limits to our "control freakiness" but actually thank you would be appreciated.!
There are limits to our "control freakiness" but actually thank you would be appreciated.!

Try residents association and council first, neighbours have fallen out over less.

I cut my verges as I agree they should be maintained but people can be touchy and things can escalate out of control without those involved even remembering how the row started.
Hi, council has no money to attend to this type of "extras" even though the estate has been taken in charge for many years. As a private estate they do maintain the roads and footpaths but all other upkeep is residents' responsibility.

An annual clean up of estate is arranged every year by residents association and guess what .....because of the limited response "the control freaks" end up beavering away. On one occasion they took a step back and made no appearance on the day .....did others take up the cudgel ? No. So someone has to do it ?

I agree it takes little for a war of words but a 40 ft effort from everyone would clear the decks.