Mailing Lists


Registered User
Quick question

Over past 2 weeks I have been plagued with junk mail, and i mean plagued. It has now risen to a total of 14 items since last Monday week. They are all addressed to the householder or my own name. It is so irritating, particularly as it is unsolicited. Needless to say, I'm marking them as such and sending them back to the original sender.

We're very security concious as regards personal information and don't give out our details at all, except for one occasion in the past month -, when I registered to pay bills online. So, how do I get my name and contact details removed off a mailing list, and how do I complain about my information being given to other businesses (like MBNA) who are now driving me up the walls with post?
To minimise junk mail, contact the Mailing Preference Service - see [broken link removed].
Thanks Cobalt, but they can't help me with this problem as it's most addressed to the occupier.
I'm quoting the information below:

"The MPS however cannot stop:

· Unaddressed leaflets

· Non personalised items addressed to ‘The Occupier’ etc.

· Free Newspapers

· Inserts in bills and magazines"

It just seems to me that it's an easy and convenient way to get of being prosecuted for using personal information by changing my name and address, to the occupier and address.
If any of them included 'freepost' envelopes, then attach the envelopes to large, heavy boxes and send them back.
LOL @ Rainyday - Now that's something I haven't thought of! Do you think they would object if the boxes contained nappies?