Let's Congratulate All Our Rugby People


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It isn't every two years we string two Six Nations titles together. I'm not a Rugger Buff, but I acknowledge the terrific achievement of putting two titles together for the first time since 1949. What a day's entertainment yesterday! My wife's new nails painted, buffed and shorn have been bitten to within a millimetre of their life.

Wales began the final day with a terrific 2nd half performance, then Scotland and Ireland had us on tentherhooks and our television pundits informed us that England could not make up the difference in points. But, we knew better, the rugby we've seen in the past eight days came down to eight hours yesterday and in the England game down to the last eight minutes and then literally to the last eight seconds.

Well Done Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to congratulate all of our politicians for the great game they played yesterday and their abilities to bask in the reflected glory of any high-achievers they attach themselves to. Well done lads & lassies, especially those of ye who wouldn't know a rugby ball from an expenses claim form.

Well done Ireland. When we combine as a 32-county team, despite our tiny rugby playing population, we are the cream of the crop.
+1000 .. fantastic w'end of ruggers... full range of emotions throughout Saturday... hopefully world cup will be as exciting & enthralling as last Saturday... and then to top it all off, Irish ladies ran away with the game yesterday to take the spoils...