Legal issues with property renovation


Registered User
Hi all,
We bought a repossessed house as an investment property for the first time. We gave the job to a guy for renovation. He did the job, but the quality of the job was very bad. Initially he quoted 7600 and at the end he added 1000 euro for nothing, for example buying glue for skirting, but never used. He bought the glue and then it doesn't work with glue, so he used nails for it. The skirting boards installation is included in original price. We paid 8000 euro so far and he subcontracted a guy to install door and he charged me 2100 for the door, but it was paid separately directly to the door guy as per instruction from the renovation guy, i have signed receipts from door guy.So we have signed receipts from renovation guy for amount of 5900 and 2100 from the door guy, so altogether 8000 euro. Now the renovation guy came and threatened me that i have to pay 2700 and i never paid for the door, but the 2100 euro was paid in front of him and he asked me to pay it. Today he threatened me that i should pay whatever he asks, otherwise he will go to solicitor for more money, he says that he knows how system works, that he will get the 2700 from me. I was trying to pay the rest of 600 , but refused to sign the receipt, so i refused to pay him without the signed receipt. I worked with him everyday as he doesn't have anyone to help him. Literally i worked the whole time when he was doing the work. He is a big guy and can not work for longer time as well, he get exhausted in 2-3 hrs. He also brought his son(13-14yrs) to work with during holidays time. Also he started the work on 4th of august, but he is giving the invoice from July 20th-7th September for tax purposes, but we got the house keys on 31 of July. The door guy was paid in cash and he told that he doesn't pay tax on it, so he can't give an invoice, but i have signed receipts for the amount of 2100.I was very polite and he is using bad language and he made 4000 euro profit in 20 days time. I calculated the material costs as i know the job.He is trying to rip me off completely. So i am in good position that i will win the case i bring this to solicitors as far as i know. Is anybody has an idea, how much would cost if file a case for threatening and for my mental stress due to this guy. This guy is ripping me off totally and had troubles everyday handling this guy and he got help working with him everyday and i feel very bad as i spent my time helping to finish the work, but the house is in mess and if does snagging it will take 2 days to correct all the problems in house. Please advise if anybody in this situation , what would you do and how to get this guy nailed in a legal and professional way.

How much do you know about this “guy”?

Does he have a VAT number or a registered office, or is he Joe Bloggs with a mobile telephone number.
I don't know anything about thus guy, but i have his address and he doesn't registered for VAT. He told me that personally. He has given invoice on his home address as he told me he registered as well.
I don't know anything about thus guy, but i have his address and he doesn't registered for VAT. He told me that personally. He has given invoice on his home address as he told me he registered as well.

Do you have proof of the amounts you paid him?
Yes i do have signed payment form and have their signature.(both renovation and door guy)
He also given invoice for the amount of 8600 euro, but i found his company from a different address from CRO. Also i found the door guy company address from CRO.
Call his bluff.

Tell him that you will await his solicitor's letter.

In the meantime, for the sake of competent, reputable and tax compliant trades people, report both him and the door guy to
Revenue, supplying as much information as you can about both - addresses, vehicle licence numbers, etc and details of payments made to both.

You might also wish to have a look at Home Renovation Incentive Guide for Homeowners or Landlords.
2 people working for 20 days with 'profit' of 4K works out at 100 Euro a day.

4000 / 2 / 20 days.

Not that a 14 year old, in general, would equal a full day. I'm not seeing major rip off here.

Why did the door cost 2100, was that for the physical door and installation. Why is your renovator looking for another 600 for that?

I can't see so far how he can sue you. Did you have a contract.

You're insinuating there is unpaid taxes, yet you've got receipts. I think it's unrealistic to go to a solicitor for mental distress. Just chalk this up to experience and be glad it's over.

What exactly did you get for 8K other than 'one' door and skirting?
Hi Bronte, he worked only 3-5 hrs a day, coming at 10-11am , leaves around 3-4pm, as I noted already, he get exhausted in 3-4hrs and leaves early. I worked with him everyday as he doesn't have anyone with him. The door was newly installed new for the front. He has worked 80hrs and time was noted by partner. He did tiling for 22 sq yards and he selected the tiles for 9.90 per sqyard and the material costs including was 282. I saw his receipt as he left in the house. So if the tiling costs 15 euro per sq yard for laying, it would cost only 600 including labour and material. He made 500 euro on top of material and labour. he made 500 euro/ 8hours.
He looking for another 600 euro as he bought switches and glue and he is charging me 250 euro for that. Fitting was done by me.
Hi Bronte, thanks for your reply, one more thing. He didn't even fill the holes before paining. Will send the pictures if you require, the house need full snagging and it will take 2 days to fix the issues.
The biggest issue here is your naivety. You've hired "a guy" to do some work on a house without it would seem having any idea as to whether or not he is competent, capable, tax compliant and reputable. Now you are having to deal with the consequences. I presume you have no contract in place as well.

Frankly, I would tell him to get stuffed, let him sue if he wants to but point out that if he does, you'll have no issue but to instruct your own solicitor to counter-sue for damages to complete the project and that as part of that, you would have no choice but to advise the tax man as to the situation. Might do no harm to mention social welfare as well and the Health and Safety Authority for employing a child on a building site

then go talk to your neighbours, family and friends and find a proper registered tradesman to finish the job once and for all and chalk the whole thing down to experience.