Leeds Building Society now in Ireland


Registered User
Re: Fixed Term Lump Sum Deposits

Leeds Building Society [broken link removed] who are new to the Irish savings market have a one year fixed rate bond @ 5.40% for amounts from €25,000 to €1m - 5.10% for lower amounts from €2,500. One withdrawal of up to 50% of your capital investment permitted without notice or loss of interest prior to maturity (31 July 2009). Leeds Building Society would be governed by the British Financial Authority which means higher protection.
Anyone know anything about them?

In today's Irish Times they highlight among the benefits: "Building Society Membership".

"call 0818 222337 with real people at the end of the phone"

I like the sound of them.

they are 7th largest building society in u.k. in response to a query from a u.k. daily paper in sept 2007 to all banks/building societies Leeds building society said majority of its residential mortgages are funded by retail savings from customers and therefore challenge facing Northern Rock does not apply to us.
You sure? Forgive me - only ever did one, c. 6 months ago and was sure it was......thought a variable rate of 7.9% odd. must check tuesday. my mistake