Laya Laya Flex 125


Registered User
Please Help dont know where to start. Renewal in the door today.

Husband Flex 125 explore 1255.06
Wife Flex 125 explore 1255.06
Son ( 21yrs student) Flex 125 explore 1255.06
Monthly installments from pay 112.96 total 3878

Can any one advise me on a cheaper similar plan especially around student son?


Alternative adult options:

1. Simply Connect: price 999 (1029)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, capped at 300 per person.
2. Total Health Complete: price 1144 (1180)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, no restrictions per person.
3. VHI Plan PMI 41 15; price 1152 pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover.
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21 year old options
1. Simply Connect: 489(500)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, restricted to 300 per person.
2. VHI plan PMI 41 15; price 552pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover.
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Note: prices in brackets apply if you pay monthly or quarterly.

Regards Snowyb
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Alternative adult options:

1. Simply Connect: price 999 (1029)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, capped at 300 per person.
2. Total Health Complete: price 1144 (1180)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, no restrictions per person.
3. VHI Plan PMI 41 15; price 1 125 pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover.
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21 year old options
1. Simply Connect: 489(500)pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover, restricted to 300 per person.
2. VHI plan PMI 41 15; price 552pa, same hospital cover as before, good day to day cover.
[broken link removed]

Note: prices in brackets apply if you pay monthly or quarterly.

Regards Snowyb

went with your suggested policies today thanks for your help and time.

Hi all,

Great work once again by Snowyb.

Just one point, I had a call from VHI about our renewal, it appears the prices on HIA web site are incorrect. Eg. PMI 41 15 is now €1254.39 and not €1152.92 as on the web site.

Hi Chelseablue,

Welcome to AMM. Is the price change applicable from 1st January 2016? Is that your own renewal date?
Thanks for that helpful information. This is the kind of thing I was wary of, especially for renewals on 1st January 2016. It looks like Laya plans Simply Connect or Simply Connect Plus are best priced at the moment.

It's best to wait until early Dec 2015 to see the overall updated changes on the health insurance authoŕity website, so that people know where they stand overall. This is the most popular time of the year for renewals, but it can be the dodgiest for price increases.

Thanks again for that.
Currently with Aviva on 16.1 - looking for something similar which doesn't cost as much for junior (8) and I - Of most concern is that I have cover for Back procedures in the Matter Private