Lay off and Redundancy


Shaun Burke

I have been laid off from work for four weeks. I have asked to be made redundant. The company has excepted my request. However they will not pay me more than 1 weeks notice. I have worked for the company for 11 years.

Please advise.
Sorry ot hear about your situation. What notice period does your contract of employment stipulate? Note that layoff time is usually included in normal working time when calculating redundancy entitlements. These links might be of interest: (see redundancy and min notice links)

You can contact the DETE directly if you have any queries or issues - they are very helpful.
Lay off/redundancy

I was laid off for 4 weeks in 2003 and at the end of that time the company made me redundant. I too had worked for the company for 11 years - and I was legally entitled to 6 weeks notice. But I note that you asked to be made redundant. I didn't .... was advised not to ... they had to mention the word first - so unless that is the difference.
Ring the Department [Ent Trade & Employment] and they should be able to give you the facts.
Hope things work out for you.
The R word

Shaun, sorry about your situation. Me Too suggests "they had to mention the word first - so unless that is the difference" - that would not be the case. The notice period should be clarified by your contract of employment regardless of who mentioned teh R word first.

One last thing.....

Forgot to mentioned that for in excess of 10 years service 6 weeks is probably the norm. I have never heard of 1 weeks being applied to anyone with so much service. I'd be inclined to test it or get onto the DETE.

RP9 ?

Dont want to get your hopes up to much as this ISNT MY AREA but go to

and download form RP9 and have a damn good read of it

IIRC it says something like if you have been laid off for a certain amount of time ( 2 weeks I think ) then you can approach your employer and demand that he guarantees you full time work for <x> number of weeks if he does not do that you can make yourself redundant ( but he can appeal this ) and you can then demand statutary redundancy from him.

Go to the redundancy calculator & figure out what you will be due. IIRC statutary is about 2 weeks / year

Good Luck
