Late wage payments

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Hi. I was wondering if anyone has the same problem. My employers have not been paying me on time as they say they have not got the funds to pay me and to be patient as it is a relatively new business! Now my hours have been cut and they want to reduce my wages. I have been very patient up till now but considering they won't even sit down and talk to me about this problem, I don't know what to do. I told them that I am pregnant about a month ago now and thought that they might try to resolve these matters but it seems to have gotton worse. I also don't want to rock the boat as if they fire me, I won't be entitled to maternity benefit. I didn't really want to go down the 'formal complaints' road as town is very small and I don't want to ruin my chances of further employment if word gets out that I got the help of a solicitor etc. I know the couple also and think it's terrible that they have let things get this far. It is a hard pill to swallow when they take extra long holidays, buy expensive clothing and eat out every day but still can't pay me.
Please advise. It feels like they want me to walk out but I won't as I need to keep working til tha baby is born but I am very stressed. What can I do?
Thanks, Shauna.
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